Polygiene biostatic treatment inhibits virus

Publiceringsdatum: 11 mar 2020

As the world is focused on the novel Corona virus, we have received many questions and requests from customers and the public regarding if and how the Polygiene biostatic stays fresh treatment prevent virus.

Our biostatic stays fresh treatment works by soaking the material and thereafter, bacteria can’t proliferate in it. It reduces the bacteria by over 99% and this effect lasts over the lifetime of the garment. As there is less smell and bacteria, there is less need for washing, and products stay fresh and last longer, which is good for the environment.

And it also inhibits viruses. We have during the years studied the effects of treated materials on the proliferation of Norovirus, SARS (a type of Corona virus) and Bird-flu virus. A treated product will reduce the virus by >99% over time, compared to an untreated material.* 

How can this help against Corona and future viral outbreaks?
We do not make any medical claims and a viral inhibiting treatment will never be a cure or solution to a viral outbreak, but it can certainly play its part in preventing unnecessary proliferation of virus. 

As Corona viruses can live up to 28 days on surfaces**, we see that the application can help at textiles and other wearables that come in contact with eyes, nose and mouth. This includes for example facemasks, napkins, shirt sleeves, jacket collars, gloves. Bedwear and bed linens could also be applicable here. Just like washing hands and using sanitizing gel, reducing viruses at places where there can be contagion, is of course good practice.

Our overall vision is to change the way we view clothes, from consumables to durables. We work for a world where we wash half as much and things last twice as long. Now the viral threat might actually speed up a transition to smarter fabrics and behaviors.

*Studies were conducted by the Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Prof. and Head of Department of Epidemiology Wuchun Cao, M.D., Sc.D., a similar study showing similar results was also made by the UK Health and Safety Laboratory.

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