Information regarding Annual General Meeting and nomination committee in i Polygiene AB (publ)

Publiceringsdatum: 18 nov 2016

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Polygiene AB (publ) will be held on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 3:00 pm at Malmö Börshus, Skeppsbron 2 in Malmö, Sweden.

Shareholders who wish to have a matter addressed at the AGM should, to ensure that the proposal may be considered, send such proposal so that it is received by the Board of Direc-tors no later than March 29, 2017. The Board of Directors can be contacted by e-mail or by regular mail to Polygiene AB, Stadiongatan 65, SE- 217 62 Malmö, Sweden.

According to the instruction for the Nomination Committee adopted at the AGM held on May 11, 2016, the Nomination Committee should be composed of four members representing the three largest shareholders on the final banking day in September together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors. By the three largest shareholders is meant the ownership grouped registered shareholders or in another way known shareholders as per the last banking day in September.

Based on the above, the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2017 has been established to be composed of the following persons that in the aggregate represent approximately 30 percent of the number of shares and votes in the company as per September 30, 2016:

  • Fredrik Sjödin, Chairman in the Nomination Committee, representing Per Morin;
  • Lars Axelsson, representing Charles Tooby;
  • Richard Tooby, representing Richard Tooby; and
  • Lennart Holm, Chairman of the Board of Diretors. 

The Nomination Committee’s proposals will be presented in the notice to the AGM 2017 and on the company’s webpage,

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee are welcome to contact the Nomination Committee. In order for the Nomination Committee to be able to consider a proposal, the proposal has to be received in due time before the AGM and in any event not later than February 15, 2017. The Nomination Committee can be contacted via e-mail or by regular mail to Polygiene AB, Stadiongatan 65, SE-217 62 Malmö, Sweden.