Polygiene AB (publ) publish Annual Report for 2021

Publiceringsdatum: 20 apr 2022

The Annual Report 2021 for Polygiene AB (publ) is now available at the company’s site ir.polygiene.com/en/.

The annual shareholders’ meeting to be held on Wednesday May 11, 2022. The board of directors has decided that the annual shareholders’ meeting will be held only by advance voting (postal vote) in accordance with temporary legislation. This means that the annual shareholders’ meeting will be conducted without the physical presence of shareholders, proxies or external parties and that shareholders’ exercise of voting rights at the annual shareholders’ meeting can only take place by shareholders voting in advance in the order prescribed in this press release.

To download the annual report, visit ir.polygiene.com/en/.

For more information contact:
Nina Forsvall, CFO
Mobile: +46 (0) 72 550 88 11
E-mail: nina.forsvall@polygiene.com

Ulrika Björk, CEO
Mobile: +46 (0) 70 921 12 75
E-mail: ulrika.bjork@polygiene.com

This information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above April 20, 2022, at 13.00 CEST. 

For press images visit: https://polygienegroup.com/en/news/media-images/

Subscribe here to get reports, press releases and News newsletters: http://ir.polygiene.com/en/press/subscribe/

About Polygiene
As the world leader in stays fresh technologies, we want to change the way we view products – from fast consumables to durables. We treat clothes, accessories, home products, and textiles to help people stay fresh, wash less and let clothes and products live longer. Over 300 global premium brands have chosen to use the Polygiene brand with their products. With the wholly owned subsidiary Addmaster Holdings Limited, we now have the possibility to offer solutions for both soft and hard surfaces. Polygiene is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm, Sweden. For more information: www.polygiene.com.

Erik Penser Bank AB is the Company’s Certified Adviser, telephone: 08-463 83 00, e-mail: certifiedadviser@penser.se